The government is trying to divert more public funds from west to east. 政府正试图将更多的公共基金从西部转到东部。
He was sentenced to prison for his embezzlement of public funds. 他因为贪占公款被判入狱。
The investors in these rounds included venture capital funds, public funds, investment banks and strategic investors. 这几轮的投资者包括风投基金、公共基金、投行和战略投资者。
That meant viewing health as far more than a burdensome political duty, a bottomless drain on public funds. 这意味着卫生保健远不只是一项繁重的政治责任,和公共资金的一个无底洞。
The US banks gradually recapitalized through the infusion of public funds ( the Troubled Asset Relief Program), the profits on near-zero-interest loans from the Fed, the recovery of asset prices, and the infusion of new equity. 通过问题资产救助计划(tarp)注入公共资金,从美联储提供的接近零利率的贷款上获得利润,再加上资产价格反弹和新股本的注入,美国各银行逐渐得到了资本重组。
We will also seek to leverage public funds with private financial flows so as to mobilize market-based financing for climate investments. 我们也将寻求撬动公共资金与私人资金,从而动员市场化融资用于气候投资。
You will also need to declare that you and your family have not had access to public funds and have not received a criminal conviction. 你另外需要声明你和你的家庭没使用公共的资金,并且没有犯罪记录。
A legislative act authorizing the expenditure of a designated amount of public funds for a specific purpose. 批准支出一种立法行为,授权支出用于特定目的的指定公基金数额。
I'm not in receipt of any public funds. 我没有收取任何公共资金。
He was suspected of taking public funds and running away. 2他被怀疑拿了公款并潜逃在外。
Public funds relieved the poverty-stricken families. 公共基金救济贫困家庭。
Should public funds be distributed directly to parents to use as they wish for their child's education? 公共资金是否应该直接发放给父母,为子女选择他们想要的教育?
We need a process that is known in advance, includes the efficient and orderly write-down of assets and restructuring of debt, and draws on public funds only as a last resort. 我们需要一个人们知道正处于进步之中的程序,包括有效和有序的资产减计和债务重组,并把公共资金仅仅作为最后的稻草。
It is also troubling that little is disclosed about the operations and returns of these public funds. 同样让人困扰的是很少有关于这些公墓基金的经营以及收益情况的披露。
Some Issues on the Crime of Misappropriating Public Funds; “归个人使用”是挪用公款罪客观方面的一个必备要件。
They denounced the government for its reckless squandering of public funds. 他们指责政府胡乱挥霍公共基金。
In addition, more than 40 U.S. states allocate a portion of either public funds or pension fund moneys to venture capital investment. 此外,有四十多个州都分别通过公共基金或养老基金增加了风险资本投资的份额。
If sufficient private capital is raised to substitute for public funds, that is of course welcome. 如果能筹集到足够的私人资本来取代公共资金,当然是可喜的。
The Committee has agreed to undertake a review of the way in which public funds are being used. 委员会同意对公其基金的使用方式进行审核。
Several members of the board were charged with fraud and maladministration of public funds. 委员会的几位成员由于诈骗公款及管理不善被起诉。
It was proposed to pay the money from public funds. 有人提议用公款支付这笔钱。
Finally, the major emitters developed and developing countries should put public funds into green energy research. 最后,主要排放国不管是发达国家还是发展中国家都应该投入公共资金,进行绿色能源研究。
But for the massive injection of public funds, the company would have gone bankrupt earlier. 要不是大量注入公积金,这家公司可能早就倒闭了。
Bad loans have been written off and balance sheets strengthened, at a huge cost to public funds. 政府付出了巨额的公共资金,注销了国有银行的坏帐,加强了它们的资产负债表。
Public funds in China target retail investors in the same way that mutual funds do elsewhere. 中国公募基金的目标群体是散户投资者,这与其它国家的共同基金一样。
Having partial financial support from public funds. 部分有公众资金财政支援的。
No unit or individual may convert public funds into savings deposited on an individual's behalf. 任何单位和个人不得将公款以个人名义转为储蓄存款。
Us and European central banks are to consider the possibility of using public funds to purchase mortgage-backed securities as a potential remedy for the crisis. 作为潜在的危机拯救方式,美国和欧洲的央行将考虑利用公共资金购买抵押担保证券的可能性。
Postal system against corruption and bribery of public funds to report kickbacks email! 邮政系统反贪污贿赂公款吃回扣举报电子信箱!
Public funds were siphoned off by corrupt officials. 公共基金被腐败的官员挪用了。